Saturday, October 23, 2010

"Open" first

Managed Objects (MO) company president and CEO Siki Giunta at the end of a two-day visit to China after the commitment of the Chinese market, the next three years, China plans to invest 10 million U.S. dollars, for the MO product development and market development. Currently, MO have already established a team of senior sales, systems engineers and technical support staff team.

On the systems management software, we first think of IBM, CA, HP, BMC. But the refinement to the business service management (Business Service Management, BSM) in the field, without mentioning-Managed Objects (MO).

Inception, MO JMI founder, after they received their first investment, the design and development of the BSM platform Formula. 2000, MO's BSM engine has matured, the company also will known as the world's leading supplier of BSM. Currently, more than 120 companies worldwide thousands of users in the use of MO solution, accounting for more than 50% of the BSM market share.

The face of IBM, CA, HP, BMC and other competitors, many people think that MO has been achieved it is not easy. But the president and CEO Siki Giunta did not think so. "MO solution to achieve the integration of IT and business, the best IT service quality and efficiency, and maximum business value provides a unique way." She said.

Like with most BSM products, MO-end solutions through Service Manager, Business Service Configuration Manager, Business Service Level Manager and business service dashboards combines four modules BSM software, services and methodology. The difference is, MO solutions address most of the existing systems management software products lack the open issues, mainly reflected in two things: to be integrated manufacturers of 40 different IT management software products; to two-way communication through the appropriate MO adapter to perform the integration products added to orders.

In addition, compared with other manufacturers, MO implemented the concept of a virtual CMDB.

Last year in June, MO U.S. survey of 200 IT executives found that despite the CMDB is the core of ITIL, but in how to build a CMDB on the existence of various possibilities. According to the survey found that most of the CMDB is updated infrequently. 48% of the survey are updated monthly CMDB, and even longer intervals, only 21% of people on a daily or timely updates. If IT management from simple to more complex services management, an accurate and effective CMDB is required.

"MO's virtual CMDB concept to reduce configuration complexity as a means." Siki Giunta stressed: "CMDB Management is the physical data. But practical point of view, in a single database to store all the data is unlikely achieved, this will result in data loss. The virtual CMDB is different, associated with the pointer the way can be realized, without too much time. "

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Thursday, October 14, 2010

Production activities yourself menu bar

QQ chatted with friends all its features put it down automatically hide the window, it can make the window look fresh and clean and highly dynamic, the author of a few friends want to add in your own web page similar to the East, through joint exploration found with Dreamweaer can accomplish this, the following us through the production of an active menu bar and see it.

Step 1: Create the menu appearance

In Dreamweaer create a new file, draw a layer in the layer into a table (Figure 1), was modified to the form, then add a menu item and create the hyperlink, in order to remove the hyperlink under the plan line, you can edit the CSS style hyperlinks in the CSS Styles panel by CSS selector to "Link" and "Hover" to "Decoration (decoration)" are set to "None (None)" will "Hover" to " Color (color) "is set to red, and finally set a good style applied to all menu bar (according to" F12 "key to preview the effect).

Figure 1

Step 2: The dynamic effects of menu design

1, the selected level, when the mouse becomes "10" shape, hold down the left button to drag the page top right corner of levels (so that the whole menu bar, but fully exposed on the edge just to move closer to a page boundary), in the Window menu to open time line panel, the selected level, drag it to the timeline, Dreamweaer will automatically generate a length 15 of the animated objects, drag the object in the animation the last key frame to 30, its length is set to 30 . Then in the first 15 Department Right-click the shortcut in the pop-up menu, select "Add key frames" option to insert a key frame, and drag to the appropriate level of position (Figure 2).

Figure 2

In the timeline window, the first 15 are again Right-click the shortcut in the pop-up menu, select "Add Action", the frame to add an interactive behavior, Dreamweaer panel will automatically open the act. Click conduct panel "+" button, select from the menu "Timeline / Stop Timeline", open "Stop Timeline" dialog box, select "Timeline1" and click "OK" button to close the dialog box. Interactions of events for the "onFrame15", action to "Stop Timeline", so that when the time line runs to 15, the animation will stop playing, so to achieve the menu bar resilient functions.

2, using the same method in the time line of the first 30 Department also added a "Stop Timeline" of interactions, thus achieving a menu pop-up function.娣诲姞浜嗚繖涓や釜浜や簰琛屼负鍚庯紝鍦ㄦ椂闂寸嚎绐楀彛鐨勭浉搴斿抚涓婇潰閮藉嚭鐜颁簡涓?釜钃濊壊鏂瑰潡锛屽畠浠h〃涓?釜浜や簰琛屼负銆傞?鎷┾?鑷姩鎾斁鍜屽惊鐜?澶嶉?妗嗭紝浣垮姩鐢昏兘澶熻嚜鍔ㄥ惊鐜挱鏀撅紙濡傚浘3锛夈?

Figure 3

銆??3銆佺幇鍦ㄨ繕瑕佽缃竴涓涓鸿鏃堕棿绾垮仠姝㈠悗鑳界户缁挱鏀俱?鎴戠殑璁炬兂鏄繖鏍风殑锛氬湪涓?埇鐘舵?涓嬭彍鍗曟潯寮瑰洖浣嗕粎淇濈暀涓嬫柟鐨勨?鏍″洯澶ц鈥濆瓧鏍凤紝鑰岃彍鍗曟潯鍐嶆寮瑰嚭鍜屽脊鍥炲垯鐢遍紶鏍囨槸鍚︾粡杩囦簡鑿滃崟鏉′笂鐨勨?鏍″洯澶ц鈥濇潵鎺у埗銆傚姝ゅ彲浠ヨ繖鏍风户缁繘琛岋細閫夊畾鑿滃崟鏉′腑鐨勨?鏍″洯澶ц鈥濓紙瑕佺‘淇濊瀛楁牱鐨勮秴閾炬帴鍦板潃涓衡?#鈥濓紝鍗崇┖閾炬帴锛夊瓧鏍凤紝鍗曞嚮琛屼负闈㈡澘涓殑鈥?鈥濇寜閽紝鍦ㄥ脊鍑虹殑鑿滃崟涓?鎷┾?Timeline/Play Timeline鈥濓紝鍦ㄦ帴鐫?脊鍑虹殑瀵硅瘽妗嗕腑閫夋嫨鈥淭imeline1鈥濆悗鍗曞嚮纭畾鎸夐挳锛岃繖鏃惰涓洪潰鏉夸腑灏嗗鍔犱竴涓涓猴紝鍦ㄥ叾鈥淓vents鈥濅笅鎷夊垪琛ㄤ腑閫夋嫨鈥渘MouseOver鈥濅簨浠讹紝琛ㄧず褰撻紶鏍囧浜庤瀛楁牱涓婃柟鏃舵挱鏀惧姩鐢伙紙濡傚浘4锛夈?

Figure 4




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Monday, September 27, 2010

How to avoid price war

While many manufacturers do down their opponents in the sea of blood, exhaustion, and wise men self-reflection, came last in the end is the ultimate corporate PK, or a win-win situation, how to escape from the "price war" cycle, a breakthrough price of tight encirclement. Want to really make businesses profitable, low competition out of the vortex, really need to rethink. To avoid price war, to build their core competitiveness, advance the field of free competition.

Product homogeneity will undoubtedly bring endless price war, in order to survive, we have only engaged the crowd out competitors, but these are not long-term strategy, a vicious price war will drag profits edge business, enterprise to survive, must be driven out of price wars. Re-examine themselves, their own characteristics, clear positioning, zoom advantages intensive, team momentum.

First, a clear positioning

Marketing activities carried out by the first step to pinpoint their own position. A master at the next to locate anything so a definition: the head was left a hair pull, in the wind. Some dramatic composition, but it is the image of the state of orientation. Accurate positioning or not, it will determine whether a business to avoid price war.

For example: to determine to go ERP UF supermarket type; Kingdee personalized leadership to determine the road; Newgrand identified as a leader in the financial system. These are based on their market attention and confidence.

Second, amplification advantage

Advantage is not naturally occurring, compared with competitors and reflect, and advantages of the sharp weapons we ahead of the competition. To the real advantage, beyond the competition, you need to find each other enough to find their own strengths, from the product, quality, service, technology, brand, etc. to start, can not go beyond to create their own strengths. POLO is to use this, just out of price wars.

After his position with accurate, then we should strive to find their own advantage. Advantage is that customers demand, while competitors can not or do not you do good; advantage is that you and other people are different; advantage is that the distinctive features of the project itself, this is the advantage.

Every person, every thing, including marketing activities, will be there own advantages. Found advantages for the marketing activity itself is necessary. In the appliance industry and the central air-conditioning industry, we believe that Haier's service is good, this is the advantage, but the relative costs lead to higher prices, normal, customers generally acceptable.

Recently the price of cars circle is day of war, but through the "hot" in the April car market, the Shanghai Volkswagen POLO able to have been sold so far, and the current automobile market is somewhat flat --- almost all the cars out of tune type have been involved in the trend of lower prices, but not lower prices but also POLO selling? really is Faith!

Shanghai Volkswagen has shown continued growth potential is even reflected in the products of digestion and the ability to adapt to the Chinese market very strong. Depend on familiarity with the Chinese market as well as deep understanding of the old Passat and the introduction of the early stages of product is not successful product POLO upgrade introducing the Passat and the lead Yu Jin situation POLO, POLO AccFast, making the two series of product sales continued to rise.

Third, intensive

When a company already has a clear position, and have been digging out of their advantage, then, are we how to do? Any one sectors, there are numerous market segments, and the product's quality and technical improvement indefinitely. To gain a firm foothold in this industry, and seek a place, we must in this industry the best at doing the best to improve.

Paul Yeung, general manager of TCL Computer is a perfectionist, he has been advocating "no creativity, no personality," how to do a thing to be the best, so that the perfect is his own request, is also on the team's requirements . "I often say a word, the devil is in the details, the angels in the details. I ask for the details, we can not through a point, digging in, deeper and deeper. Is relying on faith to do the best, he was leading TCL's computer company in the PC market has its own piece of heaven and earth.

In 2004, TCL digital business unit's performance of the industry, "admiration", compared to 2003 sales, up 18.1%, sales profit rose 90.5%, which, TCL desktop sales grew by 48.56% profit grew by 153.8 percent year on year. ( following the sharp 2003, Cheung PC audio and video A, 2004 骞?pirate PC games, this year in April, TCL "third generation" personalized PC - Female PC "SHE" released so far, the model has sold 15,000 units, just over a month time, women accounted for sales of TCL PC home computer sales over the same period about 25%.

Fourth, the team momentum

Today's shopping expedition, the personal heroism of triumphant era is over, can not be won by individuals going it alone has the right to market and run-off, only through the strength of the team to improve the overall competitiveness of enterprises, only you The team is better than another to form a competitive advantage, the team's power play has become a must-win victory in terms of future competition.

For businesses, a good team does that mean? A good team, can the noble enterprise into the realm of sustainability; be able to better achieve business objectives of the operation; may be able to better reach customers satisfaction.

Haier's team is excellent, the story of an ordinary moving: April 5, 1999 two in the afternoon, a German distributor called wanting "to be shipped in two days, otherwise the order automatically lapse." Which means that the afternoon two days to be shipped the goods to be shipped, but now it is Friday afternoon, two, if by customs, commodity inspection and other relevant departments to calculate work 17:00, then for only three hours, while the normal procedure to do all this almost impossible. How do the impossible possible, at this time were a good team spirit Haier showed great energy, they go hand in hand to the way transfer goods transshipment, customs declaration, contact the links shipment schedules, all threw himself into to work, pay close attention to every minute, so that each link passed. 17:30 the same day, the dealer received from the Haier "goods issue" of the message, he was very surprised, shocked and then to appreciate, also broke the "10 years" in case of write a letter of gratitude to Haier.

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Thursday, September 16, 2010

Reading the Book of Changes, attention to the team's personality (an interval of Gua)

Software development and management now has a two different way of thinking. First, the human resources as a different, uniform deployment of the use, in accordance with the rules and regulations to do things; second, to emphasize differences between different people, according to the personality of each person's strengths. Two different characteristics, personality and team management standard is a problem of coordination and balance.

First, personality or norms

At the university, and a chat with students, he lamented: "If all the world's people like me think how wonderful." He did not say the reliability of this idea, at least it reflects the difficulties of communication between people, as well as the management or control point of view of personality is how to give you a headache.

To regulate and standardize

Many companies are keen to assess the level of CMM, it is only a measure of their target, but has now developed into a rigorous process. Many software companies are rated and added to a variety of documents, to develop a pile of seemingly useless but the process of science, lost in the red tape in Fandao to their most critical issue faded.

In order to standardize and regulate a more serious error.

Some human resource development staff will be abstracted to an abstract unit of resources, in the beginning of a project to invest resources to the resource pool at the end of recovery. From the larger perspective of this mode of distribution is nothing wrong, but if you really want to a specific software development process on the very issue.

Personality is not the system?

It is an individuation of the era, before all the virtues of modesty seems to have lost value. Everyone say "I'm unique," "I'm me" speech. To disregard all of the system or the resistance to display their own unique attitude and the meaning of existence.

So, now many Chinese places, including in large cities, the phenomenon of chaos through a red light despite repeated prohibitions; queue always rely on the cold iron bars as a guarantee; crowded buses mob wild guesses. All parts of the system reflects the contempt. Clearly, we can see these phenomena hidden problems.

Although it says that the social phenomenon, but on the same software development team there.

Second, the Book of Changes in management, like, a few

Speaking in front of some problems, but did not express my views. By convention, introduced here a little basic knowledge of the Book of Changes. Some netizens said that more halo seen, in fact it does not matter. Many reasons we all know, here I just thought with the Book of Changes to these principles expounded once again, changed angles only, no new achievements.

Before the introduction of the Book of Changes in the diagrams and the Yao. It means a bunch of symbols, and characters we like to gossip in the image origin of Chinese characters.

Ancient images with symbols of heaven and earth, this symbol is called "like." See gossip in the minds of each diagram will emerge out of its sight. For example from the diagram, on behalf of the fire; for example against the diagram, on behalf of Chak. Think of these two saw the images of a ball of fire, or a lake Ze.

At a time from Qian said about the relationship between Yao and the binary, although can not be explained by the binary gossip, but in the Book of Changes in the number of each diagram has a corresponding. Through analyzing the relationship between the calculus of astronomy and mathematics can be seen in the Book of Changes in the expression.

The final say is "reasonable." This is also in Marxist Philosophy, intellectuals under the leadership of the most acceptable point. Book of Changes and superstition can not draw a line, ah, I, as a thorough materialist and somehow can not believe the images of the projection on. But the Book of Changes is really our baby, anyhow be the legacy of our ancestors, there are many philosophical ah. And materialism, and there is no direct conflict, so the Book of Changes in management are more people to accept.

Management as the number three primary importance both in the Book of Changes, if only part of biased belief, then it is not easy to understand complete. Or replaced by another way, usually when we analyze the matter has three steps: analysis of the phenomenon occurs, the phenomenon of logical inference can be abstracted data for further research, it concludes the use of a universal truth. This process will involve a number of reasons such as these three areas, so that to analyze the use of these three points are very stringent and credible.

Third, the gentleman with the different

Start made the conflict between individuality and norms. Said today in an interval of about I Ching hexagram.

Interval of divination, the images of the upper part of the diagram from the lower half divided against the diagram. From the fire, against the Chak. So is the whole interval of the above diagrams of the images of a group of fires burning, the following is a Lake Ze. Ching said that Japan has a learning method, they will each diagram is a picture of the image with the card to indicate, in order to explain the significance and role of each diagram, this is very intuitive. Does not have the card we can learn from, as long as you appear to mind such a scene on the line.

"Hog," said: stare, but on moving the fire, Ze moving down. Two women living together, their peers to go rather further. Li said that while almost clear, soft and then up, get in but should be almost just, Kyrgyzstan is small. Being to the same interval of the world also. Men and women stare and chi-pass also. All separated and being to class too, with a large carry on the time interval of zai!

The above is a mass of flame burning, the following is a Lake Ze. An upward move, a down infiltration. Like the girls at home, Xiang Jia person is not the same. Are not the same direction, the purpose of doing things differently. Or like a team, our ambition is not the same, though with but a want to learn such things, they want another one to the other direction. This is "soft turn up," manager is not tough, but stronger than their subordinates, "but should be almost just get in", so said to be "minor" if event is not Kyrgyzstan. Mainly because of our efforts is not to the one used.

Next, place the key mentioned. World, men and women, although things are not the same, but we can learn about the differences of these things and will they classified and analyzed. Various forms, but the essence is the same, how can find the same in different, but also in the same play in different interval of the usefulness of diagrams too.

For example, one of our team members at all levels because people have, have a youthful graduates, one year into the company's new force, with access to the backbone of the company two to three years and have several years of veterans or "Oil Stick." Our views are different, if this time is not tough management style, then there will be an interval of the images of the hexagram. Although managers have a strong hand over support project, but because of their own way of doing things is not enough strong, leading the team of people contrary, can not form an effective centripetal force. This time the efficiency of the entire team will be greatly reduced. Strong men who can only technology had some successes in small, on the whole progress of the project will be a failure.

How do encounter this situation?

Ching uttered the point. Each team member's skill level, attitude, character and so not the same, but we must be able to find the same in one place, will help to study all kinds of personnel classification, different people find compelling that "the same", On this basis, go to play their "differences."

Managers are the hope that the same, easy to manage. But the reality is not possible, everyone is like, like fire and Ze could not let the fire burn down, not up to Ze flow. Look through the interval of the images of people who should know diagrams, do not change a person blindly illusion, but to find the centripetal force of the team, while everyone's expertise to play. This is consistent with the law of nature. As for how the centripetal force, it depends on you myself, previously wrote a small article, "On the wine and meat of the team-building" can be read, but hope not too high.

Fourth, to being the country to use military force singularity

Speaking of the norms and personality, have to say these words, "to being the country to odd use of troops" - "the moral" the 57th chapter.

Country can be said to team-building, to be used can be said to project development.

The important purpose of team building is "Anren" Most people like a stable life, a stable environment if many people are willing to stay. So why say "to being the country" Well, imagine if the boss obsessed with thinking about how to exploit their employees to earn more residual value, the "positive" will not be talked about; general to recruit new people, when said, "We how much the stability of the company to speed development ", will certainly attract a lot of people, this is also a" positive "; standard system can be fairly said to be" positive. "

Time when there is the greatest classical sense is different from the modern culture, is the modern culture is a sentence reading, classical is Yiziyizi read. Therefore, the above mentioned the "positive", we may wish to ponder over, not confined to a few words on the modern Chinese.

Maximum value
"Art of War" in the said, "All warfare is deception also." Does not mean that war is the shady machinations, but that fight should be good at change. Also in the "Tao Te Ching," also said the "odd use of troops," Do not be too rigid.

Software development is the same, too rigid, prefabricated each person into the subdivision, and box the more death, less the value of play. If attention is far greater than the person specification and will no longer regarded as human beings, but the machinery, then the talent will be wasted. "Employers such as the device" is a software development outside the box.

Give full play to each person's personality, to achieve maximum value, can be the "odd use of troops."

5, an interval of time with the big now!

Hexagram Kui said the "gentleman with the differences" in the Tao Te Ching speaks of "to being the country to odd use of troops" that are how to coordinate individual and norms. Specification does not standardize a business matter, not individual personality is a personal matter. Here to advise you of my age and a "personality, but not play," personality is his own capital, publicity, then plunged into arrogance.

Whether the enterprise or on our personal, that the interval of the principle diagram is very important. Interval of time with the big now!

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Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Why not get the job Asustek Computer to the countryside?

Zhongguancun business does not win on the ASUS computer to the countryside gave the answer, they do not think ASUS incompetent, in fact, can not.

5 March, the Commerce Department announced a tender for the computer program to rural areas, association of 14 companies winning, losing seven enterprises, including the originator of Asus netbooks. Asus has been hard to understand why the Ministry of Commerce struggling to get the job for reasons so far to no avail. But the park's business has been given the answer, because of price, channels, and product positioning are incompatible with the computer policy of the countryside, eventually led to the loss of this important opportunity to Asus.

It is reported that the bid of a total of 104 desktops, 60 notebooks, of which access the account for a very small number, which is the consumption structure of rural areas is very consistent. The ASUS 9 reported products, desktop 5, tender prices are more than 3,000 yuan; notebook 4, including 3 for the Internet in this, and only a line of the price of 3,000 yuan (2999 yuan ). In accordance with the provisions of the countryside, desktop reporting price must be less than 3,500 yuan, notebook price must be less than 4,500 yuan, so the price of a lot of ASUS lose points. In contrast with the "price butcher" said the Shenzhou tender desktop and laptop products are the lowest tender products, 11 models tender price less than 3,000 yuan.

Asus is also the soft underbelly of the weak channels. Merchant said that although Asus outstanding performance in the first-tier cities, but in 34 the lack of distribution channel development. This has led to rural areas, low awareness for the Asus, but also to farmers in the purchase and sale may be there are many hidden dangers. Lenovo years of deep plowing the layout of the whole market has been allowed to outlets located in the "village" in the "semi-rural" between the experience of seasoned natural to many.

The emphasis on the Internet this ASUS product positioning, is the lost single factor. The concept of the Internet has been 2 years, but in rural popularity barely see, and mobile phones to rural areas that are quite different. More extensive use of mobile phones in rural areas, many dismissed the information resulting from poor road congestion, the network is still mainly used for rural entertainment, information, role of the lower channel. Therefore, in the case of high prices, the farmers spent a year in net income to buy a little too extravagant ASUS netbook. In summary, ASUS integrated results were below the pass, get the job however the unexpected, but reasonable.

As in IT sales business in Zhongguancun, home of many people in rural areas, they seem to be more for the computer voice in the countryside. Businesses are reflected, although there has been a substantial increase in living standards in rural areas, but mostly rely on traditional industries and migrant workers, business wealth, the demand for computers and the Internet is not as essential as the city people.

One owner from Henan said they mainly rely on brick village market this year, fertilizer, cement manufacturing, and technology farming, and farmers know little about computers and networks for the main users of a certain culture is the technical staff, are school students, and access to personnel working out new things. Function in use, the main entertainment-based, use CD-ROM to see movies and television, Internet games, chat and other simple functions, not to mention commercial use or to help agricultural production, "Do you think they used Word and Excel to find it?"

Merchants who came from Liaoning Province said, and the city cost computer users buy value products compared to rural users pay more attention to the price of the product, which is determined by the local income spending habits, the configuration for the computer to understand more less often concerned about the "big screen is not" rather than "unhappy faster processor speed and brand", if there is a small gift of peripheral products, will be more popular. In addition to the distribution of purchase and sale outlets, farmers are willing to buy nearby.

Another sale from Hebei, said the purchase of computers for rural users still strong herd mentality. In some rural areas, buy a computer sometimes can represent a family in the area's economic status, a village or a village to buy a computer, may be the township village the next day will know that other people have the same power to buy the third day a larger, more expensive or the same computer, to show strength.

Seen from the above, the countryside a serious lack of computer knowledge to face the computer, farmers should show cheap, simple and practical. If the product can not be no real demand for computers destined to reach rural areas to stimulate domestic demand and consumption effects, which the Government wants to see.

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Friday, July 9, 2010

WorldCup DVD to Wii

WorldCup DVD to Wii is a professional DVD movie to Wii video converter software. WorldCup DVD to Wii directly converts DVD movies to your Wii. All you need do is to connect Wii to your PC and start Super DVD to Wii Converter. When the conversion is completed. WorldCup DVD to Wii is an innovative Windows application that transcodes your favorite DVD movies to SONY Wii directly. You can easily convert both PAL/NTSC DVDs for optimized video playback on Wii. Integrated world-class MPEG4 encoder make it possible to transcode whole DVD disc with the time half of playback time of DVD. You can select any audio track, subtitle, chapters of the DVD as you want.

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Tuesday, July 6, 2010

EZuse DVD To WMV Converter

EZuse DVD To WMV Converter is a ease-to-use and fastest DVD to WMV video formats converter software. It supports backup DVD to WMV for PC Player or Zune Player. You can enjoy your favorite DVD in anywhere. EZuse DVD To WMV Converter is up to 6X faster other normal converter. It is one-click solution to Converter your favorite DVD to WMV Video. If you want to convert only the outstanding part of the DVD Movie, you can preview it with the built-in player and then set up a start time and end time. Then EZuse DVD To WMV Converter will convert only the customized part not the entire DVD. EZuse DVD To WMV Converter Just with one click, everyone can become a master of DVD To WMV Converter.

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Friday, June 18, 2010

MP3 VQF to MP3

MP3 VQF to MP3 is designed for extraction digital audio from cd's. MP3 VQF to MP3 copies audio digitally and save as WAV or MP3 on-the-fly with excellent quality and speed. MP3 VQF to MP3 can connect to FreeDB to download CD details and save as ID3V2 tags. You can use Name Rules to generate filename using ID3 Tag information such as artist's, track's title and track's number.
Convert your MP3, CD, CDA, CD-R, DVD-Audio, AAC, AC3, ID3, M3U, M4A, M4P, MP3 ID3 Tag, OGG, RA, WAV, WMA, MP2, APE, VQF, MPC, AMR, Midi, WAVE, and RM files into for iPod.

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Monday, June 7, 2010

WorldCup MPEG to AVI

WorldCup MPEG to AVI is a powerful video conversion program and easy-to-use MPEG to DVD iPod Zune iPhone Converter, easy convert MPEG to MPG, AVI, WMV, MP4, 3GP, MOV, RM, VCD, DVD, SVCD formats. also can support batch video files conversion of different video formats such as DVD AVI MPEG ASF MOV SWF at the same time. Besides, it also can support to burn VCD SVCD DVD. And best of all, it has a powerful video decompress/compress engine that convert whole MPEG movie to DVD in 30 minutes! Except for converting AVI to iPod Video and converting Video to iPod,it also supports converting among MPG, WMV, MP4, 3GP, MOV, RM, PSP Video, iPod Video, Zune Video, iPhone Video!

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Sunday, May 30, 2010

Explosion PDA Converter

Explosion PDA Converter converts AVI, DivX/Xvid, WMV, MPEG videos to PDA WMV or MP4 video format in one simple click. It is a powerful PDA MPEG4 video converter/PDA burner with fast working speed in burning movie to PDA and downloading movie to PDA. Now you can get this PDA MPEG4 video converter at a very competitive price! Its key features include: The software features superb video audio quality and fast conversion speed. And it is very easy to use.

Explosion PDA Video Converter is a best video and movie converter to PDA! This product offers convert movie to Sony PDA, Easy Convert AVI, MPEG, WMV, MOV, MP4, RM, RMVB, DivX, ASF, VOB, 3GP and etc. Explosion PDA Converter helps you watch your music videos and movies on your PDA.

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Saturday, May 22, 2010

Open DVD to Apple TV

Open DVD to Apple TV is a very easy convert DVD to Apple TV, and your favorite movies from AVI, DIVX, MOV, MPEG, QuickTime, VCD, DVD, WMV, ASF, RM, RMVB to Apple TV. and convert popular audio files including WMA, MP2, OGG, RA, AC3, APE, CDA, etc to Apple TV MP3, AAC. Extremely fast conversion speed and friendly user interface let you convert video files between many formats with ease. The powerful features and unbeatable price make Open DVD to Apple TV an affordable and powerful video conversion solution on personal computer.

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Wednesday, May 19, 2010

How to Record DVD-Audio Manager

How to Record DVD-Audio Manager is a visual multifunctional and graphical audio editor which allow you to perform various operations with audio data such as displaying a waveform image of an audio file, filtering, applying various audio effects, format conversion and more. How to Record DVD-Audio Manager - Apply effects to selected area, zoom in/out, cut, copy, paste, mix, amplify, normalize, echo, stretch, fade in/out, invert, everse, null signal, silence, convert format, undo/redo etc. You can also record from any available source. Audio formats supported include: WAV, MP3, MP2, WMA, OGG, G721, G723, G726, VOX, RAW and PCM.
Convert media files into MP3, CD, CDA, CD-R, DVD-Audio, AAC, AC3, ID3, M3U, M4A, M4P, MP3 ID3 Tag, OGG, RA, WAV, WMA, MP2, APE, VQF, MPC, AMR, Midi, WAVE, and RM file format.

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Wednesday, May 12, 2010

WorldCup SWF to DVD

WorldCup SWF to DVD is easy converts your Flash swf files to compliant Avi, Mpeg, VCD, SVCD or DVD structures (VOB and IFO).It converts your batch files into a compliant DVD Video set of files and burns it on a DVD blank media DVD+-R(W). The aspect ratio can be automatically selected or forced to a specific format. The program works for NTSC and PAL video format and create automatically chapters. Multiple audio tracks are supported. and burn them to a DVD-R, DVD+R, DVD+RW, and DVD-RW, so that you can play your Flash swf on DVD player.It is a Powerful and versatile DVD creator. The user-firenldy and easy-to-use interface lets you set begin-time/end-time for each Flash swf and batch convert. Very quick in conversion speed and no quality is lost! Cool SWF Converter Mixer Convert Macromedia Flash SWF to MPEG AVI video file. SWF to Video Converter is a powerful utility that supports to convert Macromedia Flash SWF files to MPEG AVI or VCD SVCD DVD compatible MPEG files including movie clips, action scripts and audio in the Flash movies. Also join many SWF files in one large AVI or VCD SVCD DVD compatible MPEG file. Allow the human interaction on Flash content during conversion, no skip frames and support 32bits RGBA alpha channel video that can be directed imported by video authoring tool for composition. Main features: batch conversion for SWFs to MPEG AVI VCD SVCD DVDs, batch Join for SWFs to MPEG AVI VCD SVCD DVDs, join many SWF files in one large video file, extract MP3/WAV sound.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Magicbit PSP video converter

*Magicbit PSP video Converter is the best video converter for your PSP. Helps you watch your music videos and videos on your PSP.convert almost all popular video files such as DVD, VCD, SVCD, WMV, MOV, RM, MPEG1/2/4, 3GP, AVI to PSP video format (H.264/MPEG-4), and also convert all popular audio files including MP2, AC3, AAC, M4A, OGG, WMA to PSP MP3 with fast speed and excellent quality. And with PSP Video Manager integrated with Magicbit PSP Video Converter, you can easily move PSP MP4 files to your PSP after your converting. 1. In the new 4.0 version, a large number of new features have been added. For example, it supports H.264/PSP AVC encoding/decoding, APE and CUE decoding, audio CD ripping, and the wizard was added. Zoom and split functions were added. 2. Magicbit PSP Video Converter can support 15 and 29.97 frame rate. And video size like 160x112, 324x248 and 368x208 is adjustable (16:9 full screen on PSP). 3. It supports Bit Rate from 216 to 1500 Kbps; 4. Support output of PS3 Video (480p, 720p, 1080i) MPEG-4, bitrate from 1200 to 3000 Kbps; 5. There are two more options added in the "Profile" list: Excellent Quality & Minimal Size. 6. The software integrates with all video/audio encoders/codec, users can convert all supported formats once download the program. 7. It supports batch conversion. You can select all files you want to convert and Magicbit PSP Video Converter will automatically encode them one by one even if these files use different settings. 8. It can convert any clip or segment. 9. Audio codec, bitrate, sample rate etc. can be selected. You can change the parameter or just keep the default settings to get the best timbre and image effect etc. In conclusion, with easy-to-use interface, powerful functions, fast converting speed, excellent output quality, Magicbit PSP Video Converter can be considered as excellent PSP converter software worthy of recommendation. New profiles for PSP brand new TV-OUT.

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Tuesday, April 13, 2010

How-to Flash to Blackberry

How-to Flash to Blackberry is a professional video converter to convert Flash to Blackberry, and convert almost all popular video/movie formats to Blackberry MP4 format. The output iPhone MP4 video files can be played on your Blackberry. All popular video/movie formats are supported, including AVI, MPEG/MPG/DAT, WMV, ASF, MP4, M4V, 3GP, 3G2, H264, MPEG4, AVC, MOV, QT, DivX, XviD, VOB, FLV, etc. The amazing output quality with super fast conversion speed is brough you by the built-in power MPEG4 encoder. All the output iPhone MP4 videos fit your Blackberry.

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Thursday, April 8, 2010

Wondershare YouTube to iPhone Converter

Wondershare YouTube to iPhone Converter is a professional YouTube video download tool and YouTube to iPhone Converter. It has the complete functions to download YouTube video, archive YouTube video, and convert YouTube video to iPhone.

Wondershare YouTube to iPhone Converter can automatically detect the YouTube video files from the YouTube web pages you have opened and download multiple files at a time. It can also batch convert downloaded YouTube video files and local FLV files on your computer. Wondershare YouTube to iPhone Converter is everything you need to easily download and enjoy YouTube videos on your iPhone!

KeyFeature of YouTube to iPhone Converter
1. Let you choose to automatically detect and download Youtube video from the Internet.
2. Provide you with different categories to archive downloaded Youtube video.
3. Convert Youtube to iPhone.
4. A very user-friendly interface with every step intuitively sorted on the main interface.
5. Allow you to batch download multiple Youtube video files at a time.
6. Let you convert multiple FLV files at a time.
7. Provide you with the download history list to let you know what files you have downloaded in the past.
8. Allow you to customize various options to make the program the easiest for you.

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Tuesday, March 30, 2010

VQF to M3U Deluxe

VQF to M3U Deluxe is an extremely easy to use yet powerful converter and decoder. Very stable Performance. Very fast install. Very stable Performance. Take up the very few system resources. Very stable Performance. Very fast install. Take up the very few system resources. VQF to M3U Deluxe is an extremely easy to use yet powerful CD.
Convert MIDI files to MP3, CD, CDA, CD-R, DVD-Audio, AAC, AC3, ID3, M3U, M4A, M4P, MP3 ID3 Tag, OGG, RA, WAV, WMA, MP2, APE, VQF, MPC, AMR, Midi, WAVE, and RM file audio formats.

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Avchd To Archos 604 Converter Software

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

How-to Flash to iPhone

How-to Flash to iPhone is the fastest DVD movie to iPhone video converter software so far in the world. and reliable tools for DVD MPEG2 video to iPhone video format video conversion. Almost all kinds of DVD formats was supported by How-to Flash to iPhone. With Flash to iPhone Converter, you can convert almost all kinds of Flash to iPhone video (mp4) format. Its conversion speed is far faster than real-time, converting one DVD movie only takes half an hour in some high-end computers. How-to DVD Movie to iPhone Video Converter supports single-step conversion of DVD video into iPhone-ready MPEG-4 format while some other soft wares need two steps which wastes unnecessary time.

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Change Dv-avi To Flv

Friday, March 12, 2010

WorldCup Flash to Mobile

WorldCup Flash to Mobile is an All-in-One solution to create Mobile Phone 3GP movies from DVDs, TV shows and downloaded videos. The software combines Flash to Mobile Converter and 3GP Video Converter in one package for discounted price. The software is easy to use. It features superb video audio quality and the fastest conversion techniques availabe on the market (Up to 3x faster).

WorldCup Flash to Mobile easy converts all popular video formats such as AVI, DivX/Xvid, WMV, RM, MPG, MOV, MPEG (and many more) videos into Mobile Phone 3GP format. Watch movies on the road. Support all mobile phones with 3GP video capability. The software is very easy to use. It compresses a full lengh movie into small size which can be fitted in a 128MB memory card. Carry your movie theater on the go! Watch movies anywhere, anytime - a new life style.

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Sunday, March 7, 2010

AlltoDVD DVD to PS2

AlltoDVD DVD to PS2 is a professional DVD movie to PS2 video converter software. AlltoDVD DVD to PS2 directly converts DVD movies to your PS2. All you need do is to connect PS2 to your PC and start Super DVD to PS2 Converter. When the conversion is completed. AlltoDVD DVD to PS2 is an innovative Windows application that transcodes your favorite DVD movies to SONY PS2 directly. You can easily convert both PAL/NTSC DVDs for optimized video playback on PS2. Integrated world-class MPEG4 encoder make it possible to transcode whole DVD disc with the time half of playback time of DVD. You can select any audio track, subtitle, chapters of the DVD as you want.

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